We, Then and Now

We were gorgeous, then and now. 

We didn’t know it

Didn’t see it

Didn’t feel it.


We were gorgeous, then and now.

We saw only flaws

Saw the frizz hair

And the spot face.


We were gorgeous, then and now.

We were so splendid

Youth shining through

Hormones rising.


We were gorgeous, then and now.

And now we see lines

And chicken neck

And sagging hips.


We were gorgeous, then and now.

Those are the stories

That clutched our necks

And shook those hips.


We were gorgeous, then and now.

Gaze at mirrors, see

That time-worn face. 

To remind you


We are gorgeous, now.

7 thoughts on “We, Then and Now

  1. I’m so thankful for my high school friends who still hold cherished places in my life. Even though we are thousands of miles away, I know I can pick up the phone at any moment and YOU are there. YOU will always be there 😘


  2. What a perfect poem. It sure does ring true. We didn’t know how gorgeous it is to be young. I guess we are still gorgeous, maybe more gorgeous? In a different way…


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